You're not really taking advantage of the reCaptcha field to actually stop spam submission in this scenario. That's what Captcha is intended to do.. stop spam from being submitted in the first place so there's little point in even using it here.
You can do what you want now with a little creativity.
If you just want to re-route submissions to another address on the suspicion that it might be a bot, you could use a drop down field with a math question or some other kind of challenge ( ie: What is 3+1? What color is an orange? ) and then route the submission based on the result.
I did this in a quick test.. just asked a simple math question, made the field required and had a few answers to choose from.
form screenshot
field settings screenshot
If the user chooses the proper answer.. in this case the number "4", then the submission is routed to the sales department. If they choose any answer other than "4", the submission is then routed to an alternate email address.
notification settings screenshot
At that point, the reCaptcha field isn't needed for the form at all and you can simply leave it off.
Posted 14 years ago on Sunday June 13, 2010 |