I have a data entry form that can go up to 40 lines and need to completely skip a certain field repeated in every line as this is only used in very special circumstances.
I see in the forum several way to control the entire form, but not individual fields. I'm not at all familiar with php and really don't want to code this, just simply skip the option all the way around. I downloaded the code in hopes of just deleting the function in these fields, but figured out that is must be done otherwise as tab is not in the coding at all.
I want to skip the DMN field on each line with calling them by name or number inback end code as this could change and would requiring opening up the code every time when all I want to do is make the filed as NO tab stop and skip the code before it is even written.
I know if I was coding the fields myself, I'd simply delete the tab code for the field and I don't see a way to do this...can you help?
My form is at http://www.earnvpoints.com/vpadmin/sample-page/