I've got a couple of different forms that allow users to upload images. There are some that seem to be working fine and others that don't work at all.
Some forms, the image links are broken in the notification email, but if you go to view the entry from within Gravity Forms and click on that image link, the attachment works as expected.
One of my clients the images are located on the server where desired. I can confirm this by checking via FTP. However, no links to the image work.
Sometims the links are shown with a file path like "{site root}/gravity_forms/1-6319b7c22bde682f75559c91c0448b8a/2013/01/IMG_2422.jpg" and then later the same image will work with the file path of "{site root}/2013/01/IMG_1489.jpg"
I've also noticed that even though I've configured WordPress media settings to not put my attachments in directories based on the date, Gravity Forms still seems to include it anyway.
Need some help quickly to resolve the inconsistencies and questions.