I have created a form for people to upload images and create a post for a photo contest. I would like to be able to ensure people can't upload huge images and was wondering the best way to handle this. I have a few ideas but don't know if they are possbile.
1) I have http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/imsanity installed. Is there a hook or something I can do to enable Imsanity to intercept and process the file upload?
2) We are holding the generated posts for approval and Imsanity has a bulk image re-size option. We can use this to resize the images before approval but the image size has been placed in the post. Is there a way to prevent the size from being placed in the post.
3) Is there a way to add custom sizes created in functions.php to the dropdown in the content template options.
4) Are there any other options I haven't thought of.
Many Thanks