I know it's Thesis fault, but how would I get the image button to not be distorted (enlarged).? I found the place to paste the URL and CSS but nothing seems to be happening. Could you post some sample CSS? It would be fun if you could post sample CSS that included a hover state, but if that is a pain or impossible, just the CSS that would let the button show up in a Thesis themed site, without it being huge, would be fine.
as a workaround for stupid people, I screenshoted the button area when it was hilited and padded my button out with white and slid it up to the upper left corner in this form:
A problem you'll notice with this are the thin gray lines at the top and bottom in Safari (and maybe everywhere else, I'll do a browser test after you give me some code that works. If you can.)
If image buttons don't work, code that would give a tiny bevel or dimensionality to the thesis button would be great; it would be fine if it affected all thesis buttons. The thesis button barely looks like a button. I like things dialed back and subtle, often, but they've gone too far in that direction IMO.