Is it possible to show the progress of the image upload field? I have a requirement to upload large images. Form users with images of 30meg can get bored and leave or worse, think the form isn't working.
Is it possible to show the progress of the image upload field? I have a requirement to upload large images. Form users with images of 30meg can get bored and leave or worse, think the form isn't working.
This previous topic covers your question pretty well. There is a way to create a "pseudo" progress bar which I've detailed in that thread.
Hi Kevin,
Re: Progress bar.
I tried both methods in your posts:
But have failed to get a result. My page is
The first method using a div id - my forms doesn't show up.
The second method using a div class my form works, but nothing happens when i submit.
I wondered if there was anything in less i could try???
Kind regards
- PM
I get a server error when I try looking at your form.. I've tried a few times and no luck
EDIT: The form page finally loaded. I'll check it out and see what I can tell you.
Cheers Kevin, I just uploaded my site today, so there is some funny business going on... should be OK now though ;p
I looked and saw your new div wasn't being written to the page after the form wrapper. Upon closer inspection, your jQuery script was missing a double-quote and the script wasn't being executed properly. Also, I would just include that script in the same block with the clear fields script above to keep it cleaner. Something like this..
Try that and see if you get a little closer.
Kevin, you're a legend. However I'm still not getting any progress bars on my registration page.
I'm still scratching my head...
Okay, I see the div being added to the markup now by the jQuery. Here's your problem. Your form markup uses a button element to submit the form, not a standard input element.
Your jQuery is trying to add the onClick event to an input so that's why nothing happens. You need to target the button element instead.. I used the button ID in the example below
Also, I noticed the class name on your button is "large green awesome" just remember that class names don't have spaces. The browser will interpret this as 3 separate classes "large", "green" & "awesome".
Lastly, I don't see the styles for the new "fakeprogress" bar in your stylesheet. Don't forget to include those so everything works properly.
Thanks Kevin,
my registration page is now seeing some action. The only thing is the message appears below the submit button and not as a graphic in the center of the screen. The CSS for the Fakeprogress bar is contained within the child theme's CSS, would that make a difference?
As for the Button class that i use, i used borrowed that from and it worked so i didn't think that i was doing anything wrong.
You're mixing things again. In the example, the new div was given an ID of "fakeprogress". Since you changed that to a class name, you need to change that in your CSS for it to apply properly. The rule in your stylesheet is still looking for an ID so it's not being applied. Try changing your rules to this.
thanks for a quick reply. Yes, i changed the ids to classes - but nothing this time. My site is running really slowly though. I've also never received a notification to my inbox from this form. The others work perfectly well. Hope you can help.
oh, when i use an ID #fakeprogress i do get the msg pop up below my submit btn.
It looks like your styles are working fine now and the div is being displayed.
Yeah, you've had errors on your site since we started and I've noticed that the page is very very slow to load. I was getting 500 Server Errors ( ) early on and the page wouldn't load at all. I also see an error related to a wp-recaptcha plugin ( )
I doubt the performance issue has anything to do with your form - most likely it's scripts from other plugins or your theme itself that are causing the issue.
Please start a new thread if you're having problems getting your form submissions since that's not related to the topic here.