Hi, thanks so much for replying so quickly (I just realized I am having problems with my e-mail so I didn't get the notification.
If I change the next 8 images to images, do I have to match that in the custom fields (advanced custom fields v3.5.8.1)
This is the coding that the images get applied to, just want to make sure I don't mess anything up and that the website won't recognize the pictures and put them in the right place. Also, a strange thing is now if someone adds any images in the custom fields, the form will act like it's uploading form but then instead of actually submitting it just brings you to the beginning of the form.
<div class="entry-content">
$thumb = get_post_thumbnail_id();
$img_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumb,'full' ); //get full URL to image (use "large" or "medium" if the images too big)
$image = aq_resize( $img_url, 580, 320, true ); //resize & crop the image
<?php if($image) : ?>
"> <img class="propshot" src="<?php echo $image ?>"/>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="propinfo clearfix">
<h3> Property Pictures </h3>
<?php $img1 = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'jh_image_1', true); ?>
<?php $img_1 = aq_resize( $img1, 130, 100, true ); ?>
<?php if($img1!= '') { ?>
"> <img class="propthumbs" src="<?php echo $img_1 ?>"/>
<?php } ?>
<?php $img2 = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'jh_image_2', true); ?>
<?php $img_2 = aq_resize( $img2, 130, 100, true ); ?>
<?php if($img2!= '') { ?>
"> <img class="propthumbs" src="<?php echo $img_2 ?>"/>
<?php } ?>
<?php $img3 = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'jh_image_3', true); ?>
<?php $img_3 = aq_resize( $img3, 130, 100, true ); ?>
<?php if($img3!= '') { ?>
"> <img class="propthumbs" src="<?php echo $img_3 ?>"/>
<?php } ?>
<?php $img4 = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'jh_image_4', true); ?>
<?php $img_4 = aq_resize( $img4, 130, 100, true ); ?>
<?php if($img4!= '') { ?>
"> <img class="propthumbs propthumbs-last" src="<?php echo $img_4 ?>"/>
<?php } ?>
<?php $img5 = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'jh_image_5', true); ?>
<?php $img_5 = aq_resize( $img5, 130, 100, true ); ?>
<?php if($img5!= '') { ?>
"> <img class="propthumbs" src="<?php echo $img_5 ?>"/>
<?php } ?>
<?php $img6 = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'jh_image_6', true); ?>
<?php $img_6 = aq_resize( $img6, 130, 100, true ); ?>
<?php if($img6!= '') { ?>
"> <img class="propthumbs" src="<?php echo $img_6 ?>"/>
<?php } ?>
<?php $img7 = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'jh_image_7', true); ?>
<?php $img_7 = aq_resize( $img7, 130, 100, true ); ?>
<?php if($img7!= '') { ?>
"> <img class="propthumbs" src="<?php echo $img_7 ?>"/>
<?php } ?>
<?php $img8 = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'jh_image_8', true); ?>
<?php $img_8 = aq_resize( $img8, 130, 100, true ); ?>
<?php if($img8!= '') { ?>
"> <img class="propthumbs propthumbs-last" src="<?php echo $img_8 ?>"/>
<?php } ?>
Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday March 13, 2013 |