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Insert code to a field

  1. isaoyoshikoshi


    I want to insert a javascript code ('onKeyUp' function) to address zip code field,
    but following code does not work (cannot insert address field when editing form).
    FYI, javasctipt code is inserted correctly to header section.

    Any suggestions?

    from common.php

    // want to insert this function:  onKeyUp="AjaxZip3.zip2addr(this,'','input_6.4','input_6.3');"
    $onKeyUp = sprintf("onKeyUp=\"AjaxZip3.zip2addr(this,'','input_%d.4','input_%d.3');\"", $id, $id);
    $zip = sprintf("<span class='ginput_{$zip_location}$class_suffix' id='" . $field_id . "_5_container'><input type='text' name='input_%d.5' id='%s_5' value='%s' $tabindex %s $onKeyUp/><label for='%s_5' id='" . $field_id . "_5_label'>" . apply_filters("gform_address_zip_{$form_id}", apply_filters("gform_address_zip", $zip_label, $form_id), $form_id) . "</label></span>", $id, $field_id, $zip_value, $disabled_text, $field_id);
    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday July 27, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Are you trying to do this in the form editor? You should be applying any jQuery customizations to the front end of the form, not the form editor itself.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday July 27, 2011 | Permalink
  3. isaoyoshikoshi

    Hi, Carl.

    Can you tell me where to modify code for insert OnKeyUp function to zip code field on the front end form?


    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday July 28, 2011 | Permalink