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Insert Merge Tag Makes Double Entry

  1. anniengo

    I have reverted back to the Twenty-Ten theme and disabled all my plugins. I even deactivated/reactivated GF & the PayPal addon. But when I edit the Notifications, clicking on a field in the Insert Merge Tag drop-down inserts the tag twice. Has anyone experienced/fixed this?

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday December 8, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Hi anniengo,

    I have not seen this issue before. Is it possible to share a WP login with me so I can take a look? If so, send to

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday December 8, 2011 | Permalink
  3. anniengo

    It's giving double entries when I use IE8 and Windows XP. But it worked fine at home with IE9 on Windows 7. I just checked and It also works fine with Firefox on both systems. So I'll chalk it up to a Microsoft issue and use Firefox...


    Posted 13 years ago on Friday December 9, 2011 | Permalink

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