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internet explorer 7 form lookes like its been stomped by big troll.

  1. You know trolls? Big hairy things that like stomping on things. Dissapeared from the world and now only lives on in fairytales and - apparently IE7.

    A creature of evil seeks other evils out, and they have together launched an attack upon my gravity forms, stomping them so they look so flat that we can barely make out how great a form it once was.

    Look here. Looks fine until last second of loading. STOMP! Flat as a stamp.

    They look good in all other versions of IE, and browsers.
    Please help.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday March 21, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Does it do this when you preview the form from within the formbuilder in IE7?

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday March 21, 2012 | Permalink
  3. I had not checked before, as i am using chrome to build the sites.

    But i checked now and NO - they where not stomped flat in the formbuilder.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday March 21, 2012 | Permalink
  4. Sounds like it could be related to your theme then, maybe even a plugin conflict. I just checked a bunch of forms in IE7 on my dev site and they are all good to go.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday March 21, 2012 | Permalink
  5. Richard Vav

    I would have to agree with Rob, I have checked a number of my forms in IE7 and they aren't experiencing this problem. When viewing your form in IE7 browser mode if you check the developer tools console it is reporting that forms.css is being ignored due to a mime type error.

    If I remember correctly old versions of IE usually throw that type of error if the css file link doesn't declare the doc type correctly but given that this issue isn't being widely reported it would seem that a plugin and/or theme conflict is the most likely cause of the problem.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday March 21, 2012 | Permalink
  6. preferredlegalsupport

    I am experiencing the exact same issue. The form looks okay in IE7 until the page fully loads. I have tried several methods to problem-solve the issue:

    1) I am using gf_left_half/gf_right_half classes. I have removed them and the problem still persists.
    2) I also tried commenting out any additional css that I wrote to stylize the form, that didn't seem to help either.
    3) I have also tested for a theme/plugin conflict and there doesn't seem to be a conflict anywhere.

    Any help you can provide to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated. You can view my form here.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday June 4, 2012 | Permalink
  7. preferredlegalsupport

    Please disregard my post. I was able to find the problem. There was an issue with an ie8 js script that I was calling that interfered with the form. Thank you!

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday June 4, 2012 | Permalink

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