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Internet explorer problem with drop down menu

  1. boz85

    Hi there,

    I have a form that works great in firefox, but not so good in IE.

    The drop down menus in IE seem to cut off any long words. Is there a fix for this? can I increase the drop down box width in IE?

    Many thanks in advance


    Posted 14 years ago on Thursday November 18, 2010 | Permalink
  2. That's a default IE form behavior. It's not a Gravity Forms issue.

    You can try setting a pixel width value for each select box like this.. replace XX_x with your actual select ID

    .gform_wrapper select#input_XX_X {width:200px}

    I did find this "fix" if you're interested in trying it. I haven't tried it so don't know how well it works.

    Posted 14 years ago on Thursday November 18, 2010 | Permalink