A strange scripting error, that is beyond my expertise. In IE 7&8 when I submit this form with missing data (I say missing instead of errors to not confuse between form errors and script errors), when the form reloads highlighting the fields missing data I notice briefly there is a script error warning in the bottom left corner of IE (the usual spot). It disappears though within a few seconds, which is something I've never seen before.
But I have to test for IE6 for this project so I use IETester and in IE6 the same errors appear but this time, if it helps, it gives me line number for the errors: Line 11 & Line 169. If I say to keep running scripts and then try to re-submit the form still with missing data, then it gives me Line 11 and a crazy 6 or 7 digit line number so I'm especially concerned we have something bad going on here.
Thank you!