I want to put a mailchimp subscription form into my footer area but I don't want all the email and name fields to be shown until they've clicked on the big "Subscribe to my newsletter" heading.
Have a look at a WIP site, http://www.goal-rush.co.uk if you want to see what i mean. I've got a top footer widget area I'd like to fill with the gravity forms widget, using a mailchimp subscription form I made using the API keys etc.
However, if I have the email and name fields showing up all the time the footer looks a right mess. What I'd like is for the heading (can be the Form Title) to be shown, then when they click on it, it animates down to show the rest of the fields, like it does with the conditional logic.
Is this possible?
The only way I can think to do it is have a checkbox to say, yeah ok, and I hack the CSS to move it to the right of the text. when they tick it, the email and name fields are shown based on conditional logic, and the footer slides down to show them.
Is there something more elegant I can do?