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Is the registration key the same as the support license key?


    I've entered the registration key (that came in the email to download gravity forms) in the 'Settings: support license key' window. Trying to figure out why the WP plugin page says I still need to register to receive support & automatic downloads?

    Thank you!

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday May 4, 2010 | Permalink
  2. Your license looks Ok on our end, it shouldn't be displaying that message. If you could send me your WP user/password to alex at, I would be happy to take a look and see where the problem is.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday May 4, 2010 | Permalink
  3. I have the same issue. I purchased the Dev license and all sites continue to show this on the plugin screen and forms config screen in WP Admin:

    "Register your copy of Gravity Forms to receive access to automatic upgrades and support. Need a license key? Purchase one now."

    The license key is entered within the forms config screen.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday May 4, 2010 | Permalink

    Yep! That's the message.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday May 14, 2010 | Permalink
  5. You need to make sure when entering the license key that it doesn't include any special characters when you copy-n-paste. On some operating systems (like Windows) if you copy-n-paste from a browser it will actually include some of the underlying HTML when you then paste it. Because you are pasting it in a password field and don't see the key... you won't see that it's including extra characters by mistake.

    The best thing to do is to copy-n-paste the license key and then paste it into a plain text editor. Then select it again and copy-n-paste it into the license key field to avoid extra characters being included by mistake.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday May 14, 2010 | Permalink

    Hi Carl -

    I followed your instructions using the plain text editor to make sure there weren't any extra characters in there, but no success.

    Any other suggestions? & thank you!

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday May 21, 2010 | Permalink
  7. In order for us to look into this further for you we would need an admin login for the WordPress site you are experiencing the problem on. You can send this to us via our Contact Us form and reference this thread. Please include the license key you are using.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday May 21, 2010 | Permalink
  8. tdiaz1

    I finally got around to installing it, after getting it at the end of April - and only to have this problem too. I pasted the string in, the message on the top went away.

    But the Plugins page kept saying to register, and it was even pointing at a weird URL, the version I had was from then, too. So I thought maybe because of 3.0 I should change it, and I did- the URL in the plugin list changed, as did the message, and the notice was still gone from the plugin settings.

    I was curious if perhaps I should do it again, so I pasted it in, and removed a couple characters and then saved it, I was also curious to see what it did if the code was 'wrong', as there is no visible confirmation that it's right or wrong - I thought. Well, after I did that, the notice came back on top of the settings screen and thats it. I can't get rid of it, even updating to the latest beta downloadable. So I nuked all of it, used the uninstall option and put back the version I started with originally .. and got the same thing.

    I even thought about the paste from a text editor bit, before I found this thread- no difference. I've never had that problem before, but there's always a first time.

    I do think there should be some visible confirmation of acceptance when saved, too. Not just the notice disappearing. As I have, in the midst of this had it disappear and come back with a page reload.

    Posted 14 years ago on Saturday July 10, 2010 | Permalink
  9. tdiaz1

    Has this been a problem for anyone else?
    I kind wrote it off to be some quirk with my choice of web host.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday November 5, 2010 | Permalink
  10. Are you running latest version of the plugin? If not, you may want to grab it from the downloads page, update and see if you still have the issue.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday November 5, 2010 | Permalink
  11. @tdiaz1 This isn't an ongoing problem. Most of the time it's due to the license key being entered incorrectly or with extra characters.

    If you send us a WordPress admin login for this site, your license key and reference this post we can take a look and see what is going on. You can send this to us via our Contact Us form if you want us to look into it.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday November 5, 2010 | Permalink
  12. tdiaz1

    I've cut/paste, carefully, sloppily, etc - I end up with the same thing. :)

    It's usually not rocket science. :) The email came with the code on a line by itself, I selected it even short of the 1st and last character and entered those in manually.. Thats why I figured, it's something stupid with the web host, and I'd deal with it later.

    I'll set up an admin acct. on a sandbox site, figure it works one place, it should work wherever once you say what ever the issue is/was.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday November 5, 2010 | Permalink
  13. tdiaz1

    Well, taking a queue from the "extra character" part of your reply, I selected the license from the confirmation email again, pasted it into the field and then deleted the last character.

    I got the green checkmark when I did that.

    I was using 1.3 something, and the PayPal button caught my eye, so I updated to 1.5b1, and that was the first time I saw that red dot, but I had the red dot after that field, which must have been added since whatever version I had.

    The email has 32 characters, the box has 32 bullets, the only thing I never did was select all when I pasted it in. Totally random weird voodoo I guess.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday November 5, 2010 | Permalink
  14. tdiaz1

    I submitted it, got back the auto-reply, and realized I left out the code, submitted that again .. on the 9th., as instructed. .. heard nothing since the auto-reply.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday November 15, 2010 | Permalink
  15. tdiaz1

    Come on guys, throw me a bone. :) I submitted like requested, got back the auto reply, and noting since. That was on the 9th.

    The one site I have gotten it to work on, noted above- even survives a "Delete Files" using the plugin panel, and uploading, activating a different version. In this case, reverting from 1.5b1 to 1.4.5 due to the "Saving Form.. " issue noted in another thread.

    I have even tried that delete the last character and retype it, type the whole thing in one character at a time, paste into the IRC client text box and select/copy again since that is absolute plain text and nothing else.

    I mean, I've never had an issue with select/copy and paste elsewhere with other serial numbers, from email.

    ..and I can't duplicate the success on any of three other sites, including the one I sent a login for. Even stepping back to 1.4.5 on that one, too.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday November 22, 2010 | Permalink
  16. The issue is your license key was deactivated due to PayPal reversing your payment. For whatever reason, PayPal determined your payment was unauthorized. This may have been a mistake on PayPal's side but for whatever reason... the payment was reversed. This is why your license key is not working. I have sent you the details via email.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday November 23, 2010 | Permalink
  17. paulkat

    Why can I not get my serial # within my profile here on the site. I need my serial # again. How do I get this or request this

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday June 3, 2011 | Permalink
  18. @paulkat Did you look under the "edit profile" link? The license key is there and not listed on your public profile for everyone else to see.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday June 3, 2011 | Permalink
  19. Carl's answer from April of 2010 solved our dev key issue. I pasted the key into notepad, and switched to plaintext. green checkbox, and no more errors! Thanks!

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday January 26, 2012 | Permalink