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Is there a way to not charge sales tax (not as a donation or subscription?)

  1. I have a client with an annual membership service. Sales tax should not be charged on this service, but she has other products (a book) that do need sales tax charged. I have a paypal buy now button set up for the book, but for the membership service I use the gravity form with paypal add on -- . She does not want it to automatically charge people each year. So we set it up as a product/service instead of a subscription. But when a person from our state buys the service, sales tax is charged. I tried making it a donation instead, but the word "donation" appears in the paypal screens that the end user sees, so that's not going to work. Are there other ways around this?

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday January 6, 2012 | Permalink
  2. A follow up - within paypal I removed the blanket option where you set sales tax in the Tax Calculator error, and that almost solved the problem. Then I could go in and set the sales tax just to be charged on the book's buy now button. However, it applies a sales tax charge to ALL transactions, not just for people living in our state, which is how it should apply. I think only the Tax Calculator area will let you set that up correctly, which puts me back at square one.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday January 6, 2012 | Permalink
  3. The sales tax is all handled by PayPal. There are no configurations in Gravity Forms for the tax. Can you change it so that PayPal charges no tax to anyone, then change the price of the product on your site to include sales tax for people within your state?

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday January 9, 2012 | Permalink