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Is there anyway to auto fill email address field in a form?

  1. Is there anyway to auto fill an email address field in a form? This would be for every site visitor. I also want to place a check box with a default already checked off. If they don't want to opt-in, they can uncheck. I use double opt-in anyways via email autoresponder service. But I also want to be able to populate the email address field with the visitor's email address. This would be some form of script resolving the IP address into an email address. Do you know of such a script I can use with GF or do you have a code snippet I could add or write?

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday May 24, 2011 | Permalink
  2. You can't resolve an IP address to an email address, IP addresses resolve to an internet service provider not a users email address.

    Dynamically populating a field is easy, but the data to populate the field has to come from somewhere. How are you going to get the users email address? Where is it coming from? Are they logging into your site as a WordPress user?

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday May 24, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Hi Carl: Here is a link to another script you may have heard about: It's called Subscription Magnet. Here is the plain html setup version link. .

    If you click on the first link and just push the slider on the video a bit, you'll see it in action. However, I have no way of being able to integrate this into GF. I have all the scripts to this, but it runs as it's own plugin, with alot of tracking features. I only have use for this one aspect of this plugin above.

    I'm thinking, if this guy can do it, so can you guys. The email field and name fields on his form are already populated. It has to come from somewhere you say, I agree. Just let me know if this is possible for you guys to do with GF, customization or not. Whatever you can do will be very helpful of course.

    And thanks for the refresher course on IP Address resolvement, lol! I remember now.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday May 24, 2011 | Permalink
  4. What maxblogpress is doing is saving field values in a users cookie. They don't get set until a user submits at least one form. They are then using these cookies to pre-populate form fields if the cookie exists from that point on.

    Gravity Forms doesn't do this out of the box. We don't currently set cookies and store field values in cookie on the users browser. So it's not currently a feature that Gravity Forms can do for you out of the box.

    It's possible to implement, but it requires custom code. You would have to write custom code to use the gform_post_submission hook to store the field values you want to store as cookies. You would then use hooks to pre-populate forms if those cookies exist.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday May 24, 2011 | Permalink
  5. Thank you very much Carl! I knew it seemed too good to be true. I was scratching my own head for the past two hours scouring the web, trying to find info on how anyone could have resolved an IP number into an email address, knowing full well most ISP's have firewalls, and "lease" subnet IP numbers.

    Thanks for ending my search! The upside is if people are really interested in what I have to offer, they can start to populate the fields, and in most cases on such things as name, address, email, phone, ect.; they start to auto fill anyways. Until the browser cache or some desktop utility removes the cookies and cache.

    Thanks alot for your time Carl!

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday May 24, 2011 | Permalink