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isSelected checkbox usage

  1. I am having trouble figuring out the proper use of isSelected when it comes to checkboxes. Basically I want to find out if a checkbox has been selected. With the function below I am able to get the text, but I just can't seem to figure out how to detect if it is checked.

    add_action("gform_pre_submission_1", "pre_submission_handler");
    function pre_submission_handler($form){
    	$industry = "";
    	foreach($form['fields'] as &$field){
    		if ($field['type'] == 'checkbox') {
    			foreach($field['choices'] as $choice) {
    				$industry  .= $choice["text"] . ",";
    				$industry  .= $choice["isSelected"] . ",";
       	$_POST["input_18"] = $industry;
    Posted 13 years ago on Friday July 8, 2011 | Permalink
  2. I have forwarded this to one of our developers who is going to take a look and provide some feedback. He is currently traveling so it may take some time for him to respond. Bear in mind this is considered a customization so turnaround may not be as quick as for a standard support request. But he should get to it relatively quickly.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday July 8, 2011 | Permalink
  3. I figured it out.... someone owes me a hug. This is very similar to the add_checkbox_custom_fields, however this works on users as well.

    add_action("gform_pre_submission_1", "pre_submission_handler");
    function pre_submission_handler($form){
    	$values = "";
    	 foreach($form['fields'] as &$field){
            if($field['type'] != 'checkbox' || strpos($field['cssClass'], 'custom_field_') === false)
            $field_id = $field['id'];
            $custom_field_name = str_replace('custom_field_', '', $field['cssClass']);
    		foreach($_POST as $key => $value){
                if(strpos($key, "_{$field_id}_") === false)
    		   $values .= $value . ",";
    	$_POST["input_18"] = $values;
    	return $form;
    Posted 13 years ago on Friday July 8, 2011 | Permalink
  4. OK, I have cleaned up the code a little more. Just add the CSS class name custom_field_input_20 to your checkbox where input_20 is the name of a hidden field you want to get populated (not the Field Label but actually the name of the field if you view the source code of your form)

    add_action("gform_pre_submission_1", "pre_submission_handler");
    function pre_submission_handler($form){
           foreach($form['fields'] as &$field){
           if($field['type'] != 'checkbox' || strpos($field['cssClass'], 'custom_field_') === false)
           $field_id = $field['id'];
           $custom_field_name = str_replace('custom_field_', '', $field['cssClass']);
    		foreach($_POST as $key => $value){
            if(strpos($key, "_{$field_id}_") === false)
    		 $_POST[$custom_field_name] .= $value . ",";
    	return $form;
    Posted 13 years ago on Friday July 8, 2011 | Permalink