I use the "gform_confirmation" action to post submitted data to a third-party application. If the submission is successful, I need to include Javascript code in the confirmation message to track the conversion.
For testing I have used just an alert("Conversion happened")
box and noticed that it is shown twice for Ajax-enabled forms. I have not yet tested with the actual conversion code, but my guess is that 2 conversions will occur instead of one because of this behaviour.
After several hours of debugging I have found out that this happens because the JS code is executed once inside the hidden <iframe> used as the target for Ajax-enabled forms and once when the confirmation message is added to the page (in GFFormDisplay::get_form() method - line 607 from "form_display.php", GF 1.7.5):
"jQuery('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id}').replaceWith('<' + 'div id=\'gforms_confirmation_message\' class=\'gform_confirmation_message_{$form_id}\'' + '>' + confirmation_content + '<' + '/div' + '>');" .
The solution I came up with was to remove <script> / <noscript> tags from the confirmation message before it is inserted in the page - this way scripts are executed only once inside the hidden <iframe>. For backwards compatibility, I made this configurable using "gform_confirmation_scripts_once" filter. Please see the unified diff file here:
Another possible issue is on line 604 from "form_display.php":
"confirmation_content = contents;".
where "contents" variable is set on line 585:
"var contents = jQuery(this).contents().find('*').html();" .
This will insert the entire content of the hidden <iframe>, including the:
<head><meta charset='UTF-8' /></head>
element inside the "#gforms_confirmation_message" <div>. In my opinion, only the <iframe> body content should be inserted in the page, so line 604 should be:
"confirmation_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('.GF_AJAX_POSTBACK').html();".
The diff file above includes all these changes. It would be nice if you could include them in the next GF version, if they seem correct to you.
Kind regards,