Not sure if the title describes the problem correctly. Here goes:
1. My environment is WP and other "normal" gravity forms work correctly.
2. I have a page on which i make a jQuery $.post to a php file (grabform.php) on my server that based on what a variable from the $.post value is, it returns a different gravity form by function inclusion. This condition is coded via switch and case. This works and the form displays on the page that makes the jquery post request. The problem is that the form doesn't submit.
3. When i click the submit button, no errors are displayed but it displays the grabform.php (see above) that is set to display a certain word ('none') if nothing is passed as a post variable.
4. From what i can understand, there's something missing, as the condition is no longer met after the submission and the form fails to submit (again no error either in php or js console).
5. I've tried to add the gravity forms enque scripts functions before the variable is checked for condition but it still doesnt work.
I would really need some help with this.