You have to create form 1 first. Create the shortform, save it. You will need a page, at the very least, for longform, so you have a URL to use in the confirmation redirect on shortform. So create that page so you have the URL. You can save it as a draft for now, since you don't have longform embedded there.
With the URL where longform will live, you can go back and edit the confirmation redirect on shortform. Enter the URL, then built the querystring with fname, lname and email. Those parameter names are what you will need for longform.
Now, build longform, and check the box "Allow field to be populated dynamically" and enter the parameter names exactly as they will be sent from shortform (fname, lname and email.)
Then embed longform into the draft page you had previously saved, and embed the shortform somewhere. That will get the tow working together.
You can do both or either of item 3 by adding a HTML block to your form. You can put whatever HTML you want into that field, which is for display only. It won't be submitted with the form.
Posted 13 years ago on Monday October 3, 2011 |