Just added the widget and all my forms went out of alignment.
Any ideas?
Just added the widget and all my forms went out of alignment.
Any ideas?
looking at your form here.. http://www.primal.fm/?page_id=61
I don't see the forms.css file being loaded. This was working/displaying properly before you activated the JW Player plugin? Are you using the shortcode to embed the form in the content editor or using the php function call to embed the form directly into the page template?
Using the plug in. Yes, all the forms were working fine before the JW player was added.
I need both.
Okay thanks. So, the other part of my question.. using shortcode or function call to embed the form in the page?
I believe function call during page creation. Forms were created with the plug in.
Okay, have you manually enqueued the scripts/CSS then?
When using a Gravity Form in a sidebar widget or embedding it anywhere using the function call, you need to manually enqueue the scripts and CSS by placing a short script block in your theme's functions.php file.
Without this, the conditional logic scripts, datepicker script, form CSS and other elements needed for the full form functionality aren't loaded.
You can find more information at the URL below
As @Kevin pointed out if you are using the function call the scripts and CSS aren't enqueued automatically because of how WordPress processes things. The function call is primary a developer function so in order to use it you also have to manually enqueue the necessary scripts.