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Layout issues with wordpress theme

  1. vicknaresh

    Hi There,

    I'm having issues with the layout of the form in one of pages of a clients site. I must admit that i'm still learning to editing style sheets etc, but managed to make a few changes after reading various posts here. Yet, i am unable to get the form to display the input field boxes in white and align the text properly (left aligned). I have the output CSS turned on as well. Any help would be appreciated.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday November 17, 2010 | Permalink
  2. Line 268 line 269 of your theme's style.css file is causing the problem. It's poorly put together CSS where the developer applied blanket styles to all inputs.

    You can see that if I disable the background rule, the float, etc. the form displays properly.


    I suggest removing those styles.

    I also noticed the radio/checkbox inputs were inheriting some goofy widths. You can add this to the end of your theme stylesheet and it should fix you up.

    .gform_wrapper ul.gfield_radio li input, .gform_wrapper ul.gfield_checkbox li input


    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday November 17, 2010 | Permalink
  3. The issue with your checkboxes is your stylesheet is setting a width of 194px to all inputs on your form. This is why the checkbox appears and then there is a gap between the checkbox and the text that goes with the checkbox.

    You have the same issue with your form inputs. The reason why they are grey is because your theme stylesheet is setting all inputs to have a background of #777777. This is being done on line 268 of your theme's style.css file.

    You would have to change your theme stylesheet to not set the input to the hardcoded 194px and if you want the inputs to have a white background you would need to change the background color to #FFFFFF instead of #777777.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday November 17, 2010 | Permalink
  4. vicknaresh

    thank you so much for both your responses! this worked :)

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday November 18, 2010 | Permalink