Trying to resolve this issue...I've fixed some issues like lines between sections but can't seem to fix this issues...any help would be amazing. - form
Trying to resolve this issue...I've fixed some issues like lines between sections but can't seem to fix this issues...any help would be amazing. - form
The following style in main.css is adding that line as a background
.entry-content ul li {
background: url('../images/bg_footer_widgets.png') repeat-x 0 100%;
position: relative;
padding: 7px 0 6px 20px;
You should be able to correct it by adding this
.gform_wrapper li {
background-image: none !important;
Thanks so much but why does the left side of radio buttons look missing a bit?
Which browser and version, I have checked chrome 23 and firefox 17 and both look OK
chrome...the lines are fine now...but why does the radio button look like a little part of the circle is missing on left edge.
This is what I see in chrome 23 incognito