Checking the error_log file I've found hundreds of this errors:
[05-Apr-2012 08:35:57] Error Table 'xxxxxxxx_wrdp4.wp_23_rg_paypal' doesn't exist de la base de datos de WordPress para la consulta SELECT id, form_id, is_active, meta FROM wp_23_rg_paypal WHERE form_id=2 realizada por require, wp, WP->main, do_action_ref_array, call_user_func_array, RGForms->maybe_process_form, GFFormDisplay->process_form, GFFormDisplay->handle_submission, GFFormDisplay->handle_confirmation, apply_filters, call_user_func_array, GFPayPal->send_to_paypal, GFPayPal->get_active_config, GFPayPalData->get_feed_by_form
It's a Wordpress Multisite install, and I'm using all the latest versions. The errors appears for different sub-sites, but there's no relationship between them (like the same child theme or similar). By the way, I'm not using paypal payments in any of them... (I point it because the name of the table raising the error: wp_23_rg_paypal)