I got it working, but your example is just a tad off I think.
{Image:5:url} still generates a full on Image tag, but if you include a SIZE before url..
{Image:5:large:url} ... that gives you just the URL.
However, I've now found another problem that I'm less optimistic that you can help me with. What I wanted to do was make the small Image a link to the big, by putting this in the Template:
<a href='{Image:5:large:url}'>{Image:5:small}</a>
The problem is that the field isn't required, and it generates some broken HTML if no image is uploaded. Is there any workaround to this? For example...
{gf_if Image:5:large:url} :all my code: {/gf_if}
Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday September 25, 2012 |