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Making Website Membership Order/Registration Form with Gravity Forms + Addons

  1. hazu

    I would like to make a Membership Order/Registration Form for my Wordpress website. The idea is that users fill out the order form, on the form they select how they want to pay (invoice or Paypal), and upon submit an invoice is made in Freshbooks (in all cases), and when the user selected to pay with Paypal they are directed to the Paypal website. If their Paypal/credit card payment is accepted, the user is added automatically to the Wordpress website via the User Registration Add-on, and the Role is automatically set to "Member", and an email with the login details is send out.

    Is this possible? Are there any particular issues I have to take into account? Is there a tutorial that describes how to do this?

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday December 28, 2011 | Permalink
  2. This is partially possible.

    Currently the FreshBooks Add-On does not integrate with the Pricing Fields. That is because the Pricing Fields were introduced after the FreshBooks Add-On was released. We will be updating the FreshBooks Add-On to support additional FreshBooks features sometime between now and the end of the second quarter of 2012.

    However, even then FreshBooks invoices won't be ideal to integrate as a billing solution for the User Registration Add-On because for user registration you are going to want some sort of realtime payment or instant approval process.

    Right now you can use the User Registration Add-On along with the PayPal Add-On to allow users to register and only creating the new user after payment has been received by PayPal. We have a lot of users who do this with these two add-ons.

    We also have an Authorize.Net Add-On that is in alpha testing and will be released as a beta release once we get through the holidays. This will enable credit card payments via the Authorize.Net payment gateway.

    As for tutorials, there are not currently any official tutorials. There is documentation for Gravity Forms as well as the User Registration Add-On and the PayPal Add-On.

    Once you create your form, using the Add-Ons to add the functionality is pretty simple. All the Add-Ons are developed using a consistent workflow so once you learn how to use one of the Add-Ons you'll be able to quickly use any of them.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday December 29, 2011 | Permalink
  3. hazu

    Thank you Carl for your prompt reply. i will digest this. One question: if I understand correctly, a Gravity Form can generate an invoice in Freshbooks, but the (total) price of a product/membership cannot be passed over to Freshbooks?

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday December 29, 2011 | Permalink
  4. Currently the FreshBooks Add-On can be used to create a client, invoice and estimate in FreshBooks using data submitted in the form.

    These invoices and estimates are not sent automatically, they are only created as drafts in your FreshBooks account and you would need to review them, make any changes and then send them from the FreshBooks admin. This was due to a FreshBooks API limitation at the time.

    It can support sending line items and pricing to FreshBooks, however it does not support the new Pricing Fields that are in Gravity Forms. So this pricing data would have to come from non-Pricing Field types. So it's not as simple and easy to use as things such as the PayPal Add-On which integrates easily with the new Pricing Fields.

    We will be updating the FreshBooks Add-On to support additional FreshBooks functionality depending on what is possible with enhancements made to the FreshBooks API. Some of the things we'd like to do are the ability to trigger automatically sending that invoice or estimate so FreshBooks creates it and sends it, as well as explore what is possible using FreshBooks payment capabilities.

    We will also be adding the ability to use the Pricing Fields with the FreshBooks Add-On. This enhancement will actually be the first enhancement we make as it's the most important one for most users that want to use FreshBooks with Gravity Forms.

    What we will be doing is adding an additional option to the FreshBooks Add-On so that where you configure your line items you can opt to use the Pricing Field data for that form. Then it will automatically send FreshBooks the line items based on Pricing Field selections made by the user.

    Our target for Pricing Field support in the FreshBooks Add-On is the January-February timeframe.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday December 29, 2011 | Permalink
  5. hazu

    Those are great improvements to the add-on Carl! Highly appreciated.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday December 29, 2011 | Permalink

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