I am experiencing problems getting a default value to show up using merge tags. I'm trying to make the default value a combination of two form field values entered earlier in the form.
First Name: John
Last Name: Smith
Title (admin labeled "post_title"): Vice President
Post Title (hidden field only visible to admin): John Smith - Vice President (that's the desired output I'm looking for.)
Here is the merge tag combo I'm using in the default value:
{Name (First):6.3} {Name (Last):6.6} - {post_title:8}
It only spits back out the merge tag code as the form value though, no the actual entries from the form fields I want combined. (I.E. "Post Title: {Name (First):6.3} {Name (Last):6.6} - {post_title:8}")
Note: I've also tried {Name (First):6.3:value} {Name (Last):6.6:value} - {post_title:8:value} with the same results.
I've reviewed http://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/page/Merge_Tags and feel like maybe I'm getting field names and field labels mixed up, but I also went to the notifications tab and output the merge tags for the fields I'm targeting and used those exactly with the same results.