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Missing Required Fields + No Paypal Redirect

  1. mack785

    Using the latest version 2 issues with this form:

    1. If you click on the submit/make deposit button without filling out any info it only flags SOME of the required fields. So if you fill those in you still can't submit the form correctly because it's missing some of the required fields, i.e., phone.

    2. It randomly hangs after the submit when the customer is supposed to be taken to PayPal. The email notifications are generated but you never get to PP. Using W3 Total Cache Plugin. Added this page to the exception list to see if that would help....don't think it did anything.

    Appreciate any help fixing this!

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday April 13, 2011 | Permalink
  2. I'm not seeing any issue with the required fields on that form. I submit the form with no fields filled in and all of the required fields trigger validation and appear as they should. I filled out the form one field at a time, submitting after each one and triggering validation for each required field individually without a problem. The only required fields you have on that form are Name, Email, Phone, Billing Address, and Terms and Conditions and all of them appear to be triggering validation as expected.

    Can you provide exact steps I can take to recreate this issue as i've been unable to do so using the form you linked to. I can't reproduce any issues with validation.

    I also haven't recreated any issues with the PayPal redirect. The form redirects to PayPal, so if there is a delay it is because there is a delay on PayPal's end loading the checkout page.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday April 14, 2011 | Permalink
  3. mack785

    Thank you for taking the time to check..... So far nothing seems to be recreatable!

    A customer called the client to say they were never taken to PP. Client submitted the form and it worked. I tried it on IE -- first time fail, second went through. Firefox same thing. Chrome it worked fine the first time. Client tried it again and it worked fine. We assumed it was a problem on PP's side.

    Later on in the day checking on it - I filled out the form and inadvertently filled out the shipping instead of the billing address. The error notice was triggered. It gave me all the fields for the billing address and indicated that the phone was a required field. But it was not there to put in a phone number.

    It still happens if you just click on the "make deposit" button without filling in anything. It shows all the fields for the billing address, says you need a daytime phone number and to check oof the terms and conditions.

    Side question (while we're at it) --- do you need the PP addon to have the fields automatically populated when the customer is taken to PP or can the "pass data via query string" option be used to do this?

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday April 14, 2011 | Permalink
  4. I'm unable to recreate the validation issue when just clicking "make deposit" without filling anything in. Everything that should trigger validation does, and the phone number field is visible and not hidden as you described (See this screenshot: So if you just click the "Make Deposit" button the phone number field isn't visible even though it's triggering validation?

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday April 14, 2011 | Permalink