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Mobile file upload??

  1. I have gravity forms setup to auto post the form as a post . . alot of people need to upload via mobile. I have tried all mobile packs for wordpress and none even display the form. On desktop version the upload is blacked out. Is there anyway to allow mobile users (iphone android) to upload their photo onto the form!? Thanks and i will donate to anyone who figures this out.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday June 6, 2011 | Permalink
  2. iOS does not allow you to upload files via it's browser. So mobile file uploads on web sites using the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad is not possible. Android may support it, but i'm not 100% positive as I don't currently have an Android device handy and it probably varies by Android version and device.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday June 6, 2011 | Permalink
  3. FanaticWeb

    Glad someone brought this one up, NexxGenDrue, try WP Touch, works like a charm along with GravityForms, and yes me too I would like the end users to be able to upload/snap picture from their iPhones/Blackberries (same functionality as when you email or txt someone, you get the prompt to take a snapshot or choose from existing camera roll) unfortunately those fields are grayed out when on Mobile.

    What would be seriously awesome is for GF and the BNC group to team up and get this functionality working :)

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday August 31, 2011 | Permalink
  4. @FantaticWeb It's simply not possible. iOS doesn't allow file uploads via Safari. This is why you can only upload files (pictures, etc.) using native apps such as the Facebook App, etc. Safari simply doesn't let you do file uploads on the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday August 31, 2011 | Permalink
  5. I too want to upload photos in a gravity form via an iPhone. I've been using gravity forms with WP Touch Pro. This works well - the exception is photos or a video.

    I've been looking at the following as a solution. See AurigmaUp.

    This solution allows you to start from a iPhone safari browser page. The upload button then opens the aurigmaUp app (or asks you to install it). Add the picture - upload - and returns to your forms page.

    I'm reasonably sure the code came from and I've see another app "Picup" for which the documentation is less slick.

    I'm still trying to figure out... how to get it working. What I'd like to do is get it so my gravity form presents this solution for iPhone and iPad visitor via WP Touch.

    Can anyone provide any hint about how I can get this working? Am still working on their demo code - see this link on your iPhone. PHP code is provided in their SDK. The demo makes this fairly seamless.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday October 19, 2011 | Permalink
  6. A further couple of thoughts. Having used this... I did get the redirect functions working. I realize what I want to do is get the picture to POST to my gravity form. Then I can export / manage via an excel sheet and or convert to an individual blogpost etc. Example output is... name, few details about self... and a photo. Each entry will add to the gravity forms database.

    Thanks for your help.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday October 19, 2011 | Permalink
  7. I'm still looking for some help. How can I associate the AurigmaUp API's with GravityForms. Ie set up the post function to work so it uploads the photo to the form my visitor was viewing in iOS Safari and then returns. I understand the html insert for setting up the "launch" arigmaUP, selecting the photo and then returning to the either the same page or another - e.g. the next page in a form. What I don't understand is how to implement a "post" to the gravity form.

    It would be great if there was a gravity forms example. Eg the event is upload a photo. The event contains only the "upload button" which launches aurigmaUp and then on return shows the page with the photo... a thanks... and the next question. What I think I want is AurigmaUp to access the "upload" photo function with respect to the gravity form in question.

    Appreciate any help. Thanks

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday October 20, 2011 | Permalink
  8. I am in the exact same boat. Looking to use the AurigmaUp app with my Gravity Form for uploading photos / videos via iPhone, iPad, iPod using WP Touch. Not sure how (or if) I could integrate the link that Aurigma provides: to the Browse button in the Gravity Form. Then in theory the user would return and finish filling out the form before submitting. Unfortunately Aurigma is a free app and they admittedly do not have the know how to get this working with Gravity Forms. Any info would be appreciated.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday November 17, 2011 | Permalink
  9. Oh and one other note, the Gravity Form does work perfectly on Android, it's just the Apple issue :(

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday November 17, 2011 | Permalink
  10. Hi Martij, I've still not solved it. Although when I first tried the Aurigma up app wasn't updated for iOS 5. I'd still like to get it working and have been meaning to retry the demo system they provide as a download on my site. This didn't work before.

    There's another app Picup which if it could be made to work.. is better as it can size the pictures before upload! The developer there too is not interested in helping me solve the how to. See

    I had no problems integrating the aurigma up link using the HTML option in Gravity forms and presenting it based on a conditional choice which could be automated. Eg only display choose photo if not iOS... then the HTML for the link... which is only displayed if form is read in iOS. I used a drop down choice to dummy this.

    That will pop the app open, you can select or take the picture and then it tries to upload. At that point... it fails. Maybe if I download the sample code again and point it there I can get an upload. Then it would be easier to solve.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday November 17, 2011 | Permalink
  11. I am having this same problem. My users can't upload photos from the mobile site with iphone. Only android. Has anyone found a fix for this?

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday December 13, 2011 | Permalink
  12. Does not work for me on iphone or android

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday May 30, 2012 | Permalink
  13. David Peralty

    If you use a mobile theme on your site, then the ability to upload files in Android can be compromised.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday May 30, 2012 | Permalink
  14. keithpsi

    Please let me know if there is a plugin available yet that will let users upload images to my forum from their mobile devices. My website has a model forum that I'd like to see compatible with a desktop as more and more people are doing forum filling from their mobile devices.

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday May 1, 2013 | Permalink
  15. David Peralty

    If you mean form vs forum, there still isn't an add-on for this because it requires a full iOS/Android application to be created, not just a web based add-on. As Carl has said previously.

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday May 1, 2013 | Permalink