My client has a list of about 40+ international dealers that they are trying to route email leads from the website. Much like an earlier thread's situation (, I am trying to send the dealer the lead information and send the submitter the dealer contact information with the response.
My question is, can I use the code you mention in this post (, but modify it with the appropriate countries and contacts?
In the referenced thread, Jed is only working with about 3 locations to route to. Is the code you've written expandable to work with the 40+ locations I am dealing with? And, what do I do with the countries that have no dealers in them? I suppose I can craft a response for those countries as a default or does the code only generate a link for the countries mentioned in the dropdown selection? What other global changes would I need to make?
And finally, if I make these modifications, will I still need to input the routing information into the Notification to Administrator section or would that be redundant after these changes?