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Multi-Page Navigation

  1. I read that navigation between pages on a multi-page form was coming in 1.5. How do I implement a navigation structure for going between pages? The reason I ask this is I'd like a user to go directly from the confirmation page to any page to correct any mistakes without having to hit previous multiple times.


    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday November 7, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Currently that's not possible. I'm not sure what or where you read that, but there are complexities involved that make navigating back and forth through a multi-page form like that difficult to implement. Things like the field validation, conditional logic, etc. could all impact the actual number of pages, how and if you can navigate past pages, etc.

    I'm sure it's something we will consider if there is a sensible way to implement it, but for now you would have to try to do something custom if you need that functionality.

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday November 7, 2012 | Permalink
  3. ZeadsDead

    there are actually a few topics on this forum that show a potential solution. i am trying to narrow down the best one for me so i replied to a few posts.

    in the meantime, i suggest anyone reading this post, view:

    this looks like the most legitimate solution.

    good luck!

    Posted 11 years ago on Saturday February 23, 2013 | Permalink
  4. That is a good post by our developer David Smith. It handles validation properly as well. Thank you for posting the link here.

    Posted 11 years ago on Sunday February 24, 2013 | Permalink

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