Is it possible to get the "choices" on the same line as the question.
In my case, I would like the options next to the question to try and save space.
Please see URL:
Is it possible to get the "choices" on the same line as the question.
In my case, I would like the options next to the question to try and save space.
Please see URL:
You can do that with some CSS manipulation. You'll probably need to float the label left and then tweak the list items themselves to get them to display inline.
Here's a quick sample.. You would add this to your theme stylesheet, then add the class name "yesno" to any of the fields you want formatted this way.
.yesno label {
float: left;
.yesno ul.gfield_radio li {
display: inline;
.yesno ul.gfield_radio li label {
margin-left: 5px;
.yesno ul.gfield_radio li input {
margin: 3px 0 0 10px!important;
Please note: I haven't tested this in all the different browsers so you'll want to take this and tweak it a bit to suit your preferences. Good luck.
Thank you for the quick reply. I will start messing with it later. Thank you again.
Still having problems with the code...could you please give an example. Thank you.
I did give you an example above. I checked your link above and now the form isn't there.
sorry about that....I am having trouble defining the fields
Here was what I am trying to do with no results
#main .post-12 .gform_wrapper .gform_body #field_3_7 .yesno label {float: left;}
.yesno ul.gfield_radio li { display: inline;}
.yesno ul.gfield_radio li label { margin-left: 5px;}
.yesno ul.gfield_radio li input {margin: 3px 0 0 10px!important;}
I looked at your form and inspected the markup. I don't see a "yesno" class being added to your field containers.
You need to add that class name via the admin (CSS Class Name field) then you should start seeing some results. Right now you're defining rules for a class name that's not being implemented.