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Multiple fields on a row

  1. dgpreston

    I have read some of the items on the forums and can't get the solutions to work. I am trying to complete a complex form to record someone's eye prescription. I will need up to 4 dropdown boxes on a row to achieve this and will also have to re-size them to ensure they fit.

    Can this be done?

    Thank you!
    (Form not started yet due to the above question but the site is

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday January 21, 2011 | Permalink
  2. This is possible using CSS, as i'm sure you saw in other posts on the forum. The CSS is going to be form specific as all forms are unique. You would have to view source on your form and look at the HTML and then use CSS to float each field so that they are floated side by side.

    OR you can try the Gravity Forms v1.5 development release that is available on the Downloads page and try using the Ready Classes. You can read more about Ready Classes here:

    However, Ready Classes only support up to 3 columns (not 4). However, it's all CSS can be customized to do 4 columns if you know what you are doing and can dissect the CSS code and customize it.

    If this is above your skill set you could always hire someone to do this customization for you. One person to contact is David Smith at, he also works for us and has extensive Gravity Forms experience but he does customizations on a freelance basis.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday January 21, 2011 | Permalink