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Multiple fields on single line + multiple pages form

  1. Hi all,

    First of all , insane plugin! Just love the flexibility!
    I used the plugin in a very basic way before, but now I would like to get some 'advanced editing'. And I would prefer some assistance (so that i don't screw the hole plugin try doing this myself).

    1) I would like to place multiple fields on one single line. View the form to edit:
    I would like to have the fields on the bottom of the form next to each other. So this would look like =
    Date (picker) + Workshop (drop down)
    Date (picker) + Workshop (drop down)
    Date (picker) + Workshop (drop down)
    Is this possible?

    2) I would like to use the multipage form. So that on the first page people can insert there personal information and on the second page additional info about workshops. And maybe a 3th page about how they got in touch with this website (for example).
    Can some explain me in a short step-by-step tutorial how to achieve this?
    And if possible: the same as above (2) but with the logical conditions. For example, if ont he first page they choose to be interested in workshops, the 2nd page contains info about workshops. Or instead of selecting 'workshops', they select education and that the 2nd page contains info about the education...

    Hope my questions are clear and that someone can help me and give advise. If I have done this once, I could use this for a lot of sites i'm working on.

    Many thanks in advance for helping.

    (website is under construction = don't mind the rest :D !)

    Posted 13 years ago on Saturday December 24, 2011 | Permalink
  2. For your fields that you would like to display inline, you can use our ready classes to achieve that, take a look here:

    For the paging, you can find more information here:

    Let me know if you get stuck after taking a look at these.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday December 26, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Hi Rob,

    Thanks a lot for giving the urls of the exact information!
    For the multipage form, I was always searching 'multipage'. Knowing this has something to do with the pagebreaks makes it a lot obvious.

    I've managed to configure it all they way I wanted!
    I just had one question : can the first page of my form be left aligned (titles) and the second with the titles above (needed for the css_ready_classes).
    Or is it 1 style for the hole form?

    Thanks for your time and answers!

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday December 28, 2011 | Permalink
  4. Hey no problem. Yes, but not without some leg work. Is there a reason in particular you want/need the first page to have left-aligned labels? For ease-of-use and consistency for the form user, it's a good idea to keep the labels and inputs in the same manner. However, we could do some custom CSS to the fields on the first page to get them left aligned or vice-versa, on the second page to move them back to the top.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday December 28, 2011 | Permalink