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After I change my url in the code provided, which script do I past the code into?
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After I change my url in the code provided, which script do I past the code into?
These are WP-Config options so they would go in your wp-config.php file in the root of your WordPress site. The same file that contains your database connection string information, etc.
When I export a form it is doing so as a csv file not an xml. Is it the same thing? I also attempted to upload the code for the license key and it did not automatically register the license.
No thats not the same thing. When you go to Import/Export in the Gravity Forms navigation there are 3 options.
- Export Entries: This exports entry data to CSV file which is probably what you have done
- Export Forms: This exports forms to an XML file format which can then be imported on another site running Gravity Forms
- Import Forms: This imports a form XML file which is generated by Exporting Forms
The definitions do work so if they aren't working it's going to be do to not being implemented properly.
One important thing to note when using these helper definitions in your wp-config.php is they are only going to execute on NEW sites you create in multi-site.
They aren't going to apply to existing sites. They only get triggered and applied when a new site is created in multi-site after they have been added to your wp-config.php file.
Ok, I have downloaded the xml file and uploaded it to my server. I placed the code in the wp-config.php file using the correct url of the file. I created a new site in my network and the form still did not show up?
Any thoughts on how to fix this? It is also not registering my license automatically when I put that code in.
All I can do is double check your implementation. If the code is properly placed in your wp-config.php file using the correct syntax it should execute when a new site is created in multi-site. Use http://pastie.org to paste the contents of your wp-config.php file so we can take a look, remove your database login information before doing so.
All set.