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Multisite / MU New Form and Import Bug with

  1. Hi GF

    I am using GF on a multi-site / MU setup. I have setup two sites successfully without issue. The third site is causing me problems. I have attempted to import forms into the third site, the import states that it completed sucessfully, however the form overview page is empty.

    To get around this bug I decided to attempt to create the forms from scratch. When hitting "new form" the new form page is not blank (as it normally is) and shows the outline of one of the imported forms.

    Something seems to have gone wrong during the activation of the new site.

    I have been through the existing posts in the forum and the closest query to my problem is here:

    However my problem differs in that:

    • I am not using any site duplication or settings duplication plugins.
    • All the database tables look to have been created correctly.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday March 19, 2012 | Permalink
  2. I should also note that all of the GF MySQL tables for the third site are empty so I am unsure where the "new form" form is coming from. Is this a potential contamination between two of the sites?

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday March 19, 2012 | Permalink
  3. I have been looking through my MySQL tables and noticed something odd. First, there are three tables in this format:


    Which seems odd. I am also missing {prefix}_3_rg_form which would be a good reason why GF is failing.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday March 19, 2012 | Permalink