I am creating a field type that uploads a video file to Youtube upon post submission. I plan to use a file upload input type, and upon submission grab the file data (or url/pathname) and upload it to Youtube. This is part of a client project that I have to build in three weeks.
I've created a custom field by using the following hooks:
(I also have a pre_submission handler that I've begun to write.)
I've created a File input type, and I believe that I have the correct naming convention. I've posted my function below for review.) The input type is displaying correctly on the admin page and the form preview, but when I post the form, my custom field doesn't have a value associated with it. (There's nothing in $_POST corresponding to it, either.)
Looking at the code below, can anybody tell me where I've gone wrong creating this input? Is there another hook that I don't know about that I need to use to handle the data I've added to the form?
Thank you.