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My whole site dissapeared.

  1. Installed this morning. No problem with install using FileZilla
    No upload failures reported.
    Activation OK
    After activation page went white.
    Login area, white
    refresh didn't work
    Had to completely delete Gravity using delete command on FileZilla
    Site files came back after deletion.
    Any ideas?..............

    Posted 15 years ago on Friday January 8, 2010 | Permalink
  2. Try uploading and installing the plugin using the built in plugin uploader in WordPress itself. Go to Plugins > Add New and then select Upload from that page and upload the plugin that way.

    Sometime uploading via FTP, depending on the FTP app settings, may appear to be fine but doesn't actually upload properly.

    If that doesn't work then it is a plugin or theme conflict which is causing the problem. What you will want to do is deactivate ALL plugins and then activate Gravity Forms and verify it works.

    If it works then you will want to activate the other plugins one by one until you hit one that is causing the problem to occur. You may not actually hit one that is causing a problem and everything will work fine. WordPress is quirky that way.

    I've seen WordPress cause problems just due to the order in which plugins were activated. It has quirks that occur like that from time to time.

    Posted 15 years ago on Friday January 8, 2010 | Permalink