I am using Gravity Forms to create an online employment application. The the current application they use is at: http://www.premairtraining.com/OnlineApplication.aspx
I am rebuilding the application on her new site at: http://www.premairflighttraining.com/crew-leasing/pilot-application/
Although there is a WSWG editor for Gravity Forms I am still having trouble with it. I would really like to find someone who can help me deal with some technical problems. I don't know if you guys do that sort of thing or have someone you can refer me to.
Here are my issues:
1) If you look at the original form you will see that the form is neater, more tightly compact. Short items are side by side, less space between the lines. Shaded areas neatly identify sections. I don’t know how to do that with WSWG.
2) If you look at the original form Pilots are able to enter their flight experience by Plane type. After each plane type they can simply add another line item till they have completed their entire experience. Again, I don’t know how to best do that with Gravity Forms. There is something called Conditional Logic, which looks like it could do the trick, but I just don’t know best how to accomplish the task. The client would be OK with some things different, because she is getting a huge benefit with the built-in database feature, I just am not sure what is best.
3) The original application groups a series of answers together about each Plane type. So if they had flight experience for a B757, I need to know for that plane how many hours, when was the last flight, are they rated on that plane etc. Visually is looks neatly organized in the original application. I don’t know how to accomplish that with Gravity Forms. Also, when we go to sort how do we keep a group of answers associated to that particular plane?
We are using gravity forms because we want to maintain a database of pilots by experience, so the next time they have a job order for a Pilot who has experience on a B737 they can pull them up from the database. Please let me know if you can provide any guidance or recommend an experienced Gravity Forms coder.
Thanks, Mary Ann