I am using my own stuff in the e-mail notifications form. All is fine except the url to the uploaded image file is very long. Is there a kind of shortcut or merge command I can use to shorten that url like as, if I use {all_fields}?
I am using my own stuff in the e-mail notifications form. All is fine except the url to the uploaded image file is very long. Is there a kind of shortcut or merge command I can use to shorten that url like as, if I use {all_fields}?
There isn't a built-in URL shortening system built in. Can you tell me more about what you mean and what you are seeing?
Hi David,
I get this on screen as confirmation and in a notification e-mail:
It would be nice, if I can capsule this in a link were name of the file is displayed - html-link
In your notifications, can you do the following?
Hi David, thanks. I put it into the admin notification form in the html view. What I get in my e-mail is now "Image Upload" as link.
How if there will be the original filename? Is there a shortcode for only filename?
There are, scroll down to the bottom of this page and read about merge tags relating to getting specific information:
Hi David, I just found few minutes for testing this, but it doesn't seem to work. I created a new form only with a uploading field. That has the label "Datei". When I upload a file to my server, I receive a basic notification from merge_tag {all_fields}. The E-Mail looks like this:
I am not shure how to get this and which merge_tags I have to put in my notification?
This doesn't seem to work:
<a href='{Datei:1:url}' target='_blank' title='Klicken zum Anschauen'>{List:1:url}</a>
and this too:
Which markup do I have to use?
The :url call should work. What do you get currently when you do {Datei:1:url}? Is Datei the field and 1 the field ID number?
Yes, if I use {Datei:1:url} equal to {name_of_field:id:url} I get the whole path as before. I use the file upload field from advanced fields tab.
I need to separate the original filename from the path as it is done if I use {all_fields} merge_tag.
This what I used latest:
<a href='{Datei:1}' target='_blank' title='Klicken zum Anschauen'>{Datei:1:url}</a>
I did all tests with form preview, but that should not be the case didn't it?
So you want the following?
Yes David, same as the basic table output from {all_fields}:
<a href='http://bildmanufaktur-wackernah.de/wp-content/uploads/gravity_forms/7-a68c67528abfb3690327bf5c8bff4a1a/2012/11/art-000381.jpg' target='_blank' title='Klicken zum Anschauen'>art-000381.jpg</a>
Adrian, please see this code I wrote a while back.
In short, I did not find a way to get the filename, so I created a shortcode to grab it. You can use the shortcode in your notification.