I have created an order form to order custom reports, originally I set it up using the product field and Radio Buttion. The reports are defined on another page becuase of the need to have screenshots of the reports, there is an Order Report button - that button is set to dynamically chosse the specific report. This issue is that once the user is in the report order form, they should have the option to add another report to their "cart", using the radio buttions this is not an option.
So I started to cnange the reports to Single product and then have the quantity be populated when the "Order Report" button is clicked this would give them the option to add more reports once in the order form.
Am I goin about this the right way or is there a better way to set this up?
Here is where they would choose the report they want to order: http://www.curas.net/index.php/report-store