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Need way to NOT pass price of $0 to Paypal for one product radio button choice


    On this form, classes are chosen as products with a dropdown. However in order to not have the first option show up as selected, I have added a class option of Not This Time with a price of $0.
    Problem is that this shows up as a Product Selection going through to Paypal with a $0 charge.
    Its a roundabout solution to solving the problem of using the dropdown where the initial class option that appears in the dropdown is automatically chosen.
    Is there a way to either have the dropdown NOT preselect an option OR
    to add code in one of the Gravity Form files that will not list Not This TIme as a selection?
    Feeling I am missing something here.!

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday December 26, 2011 | Permalink
  2. The order should not be sent to PayPal with a $0 total.

    Also, on the PayPal feed settings, you can use the PayPal condition to say: Send to PayPal if [Class Selection] IS NOT [Not This Time]

    Either one should work. Zero dollar transactions should not be sent to PayPal.

    I think the problem in your form is that you are adding $2 for a PayPal transaction. That's why it's going to PayPal.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday December 27, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Thanks Chris. I know it makes no sense to pass a $0 amount to Paypal, you're right.
    However I am already using that conditional field for checking the Payment Method field and if they select "Paypal" it goes through to Paypal - the other options is payment by check.

    If I could find another way to get through the registration and peel off the Check payers from the Paypal payers before hitting this logic that would be great.

    The problem is complicated by the fact that we don't want people to register for 2 Thursday classes so have added the "Not This Time" field so that if one of the thursday classes is chosen, the other selection is hidden. May be the route to the whole problem here we have gotten into.

    If you have a product with options in a dropdown box, it seems to automatically select the first option that appears when in fact someone may not want to select that product at all. How can you have it so that a dropdown only appears when a user indicates they want the product?


    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday January 3, 2012 | Permalink
  4. Well I found my answer to the dropdown box selection, leaving the first option blank, simple enough, but I would never have figured that out!
    FOr the most part I have figured my question out, thanks.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday January 4, 2012 | Permalink
  5. Glad you were able to solve that problem. Thanks for posting the solution.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday January 5, 2012 | Permalink

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