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New RIB (IBAN similary) field type, problem form save/prepopulate_field_setting

  1. Wilhem Arnoldy


    We need to create RIB field. Concat of 4 fields. So, we use prepopulate_field_setting to get labels fields.

    I miss something, I don't see 4 field by js.php by one alone.
    When i save, the fields are note recorded.
    I think there is an array or something else to describe my fields but i don't see how?

    Could you help me?

    Thank you,

    our code:

    global $rib_fields;
    $rib_fields = array(
    		'title'=>'Code établissement',
    		'title'=>'Code guichet',
    		'title'=>'Numéro de compte',
    		'title'=>'Clé RIB',
    class gravityforms_fields_addons {
    	public function __construct($master) {
    		$this->master = $master;
    	public function init() {
    		// Add a custom field button to the advanced to the field editor
    		add_filter( 'gform_add_field_buttons', 'wps_add_rib_field' );
    		function wps_add_rib_field( $field_groups ) {
    			foreach( $field_groups as &$group ){
    				if( $group["name"] == "advanced_fields" ){ // to add to the Advanced Fields
    				//if( $group["name"] == "standard_fields" ){ // to add to the Standard Fields
    				//if( $group["name"] == "post_fields" ){ // to add to the Standard Fields
    					$group["fields"][] = array(
    						"value" => __("RIB", "gravityforms"),
    						"onclick" => "StartAddField('rib');"
    			return $field_groups;
    		// Adds title to GF custom field
    		add_filter( 'gform_field_type_title' , 'wps_rib_title' );
    		function wps_rib_title( $type ) {
    			if ( $type == 'rib' )
    				return __( 'RIB' , 'gravityforms' );
    		// Adds the input area to the external side
    		add_action( "gform_field_input" , "wps_rib_field_input", 10, 5 );
    		function wps_rib_field_input ( $input, $field, $value, $lead_id, $form_id ){
    			global $rib_fields;
    			if ( $field["type"] == "rib" ) {
    				$max_chars = "";
    				if(!IS_ADMIN && !empty($field["maxLength"]) && is_numeric($field["maxLength"]))
    					$max_chars = self::get_counter_script($form_id, $field_id, $field["maxLength"]);
    				$input_name = $form_id .'_' . $field["id"];
    				$tabindex = GFCommon::get_tabindex();
    				$css = isset( $field['cssClass'] ) ? $field['cssClass'] : '';
    				$output = "<div class='ginput_container'>";
    				foreach($rib_fields as $idx => $f) {
    					$output .= sprintf("<span style='float: left; padding-right: 20px;'><label style='display: block;'>%s</label><input name='input_%s' id='%s' class='input gform_rib %s' $tabindex size='%s' maxlength='%s' value='%s'></span>{$max_chars}", $f['title'], $field["id"].".".$idx, 'input_'.$field['id'].'_'.$idx, $field["type"] . ' ' . esc_attr( $css ), $f['size'] + 1,$f['size'], esc_html($value));
    				$output .= "</div>";
    				return $output;
    			return $input;
    		// Now we execute some javascript technicalitites for the field to load correctly
    		add_action( "gform_editor_js", "wps_gform_editor_js" );
    		function wps_gform_editor_js(){
    		<script type='text/javascript'>
    			jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    				fieldSettings["rib"] = ".label_setting, .description_setting, .admin_label_setting, .size_setting, .error_message_setting, .css_class_setting, .visibility_setting, .rib_setting, .prepopulate_field_setting";
    				//binding to the load field settings event to initialize the checkbox
    				$(document).bind("gform_load_field_settings", function(event, field, form){
    					jQuery("#field_rib").attr("checked", field["field_rib"] == true);
    		// Add a custom setting to the tos advanced field
    		add_action( "gform_field_advanced_settings" , "wps_rib_settings" , 10, 2 );
    		function wps_rib_settings( $position, $form_id ){
    			// Create settings on position 50 (right after Field Label)
    			if( $position == 50 ){
    Posted 12 years ago on Monday March 4, 2013 | Permalink
  2. I see that you also opened a priority support ticket, so I will close this and we will focus the support there.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday March 5, 2013 | Permalink

This topic has been resolved and has been closed to new replies.