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New user: some workflow advice and 3 'can I do this?' questions

  1. MacDingo


    I am a new user with a developer license and building my first forms.

    I have a specific workflow in mind and would appreciate some guidance:

    My setup combines Gravity Forms + Mailchimp add-on + User Registration add-on

    1) So I build a first form (Registration Form) that uses the same fields as the standard WP registration:
    email, username, password as well as first and last name

    2) In the 'User Registration' add-on settings I mapped the Registration fields above to the WP registration fields

    3) In the 'MailChimp' add-on settings I mapped the same Registration fields above to my Mailchimp Newsletter

    4) On submission of my 'Registration Form' I redirect user to another page containing a second 'Follow-up form'

    So my thinking is that the above does the following when a user fills out my 'Registration form':
    - it automatically creates an account for him on my site
    - it registers him on my mailing list. (Assuming he opts-in in the message Mailchimp sends him)
    - it redirects him to my second form ('Follow-up' form)

    Now here are my questions:

    This second 'Follow-up' form is obviously a different form.

    1) How can I pass the user variables from my registration form to this one so I know that the data submitted in the follow-up form belongs to this specific user?

    2) What would be the best way to prevent users from accessing the follow-up form directly if not registered or filling it out twice.
    Would that involve some conditional logic on the form? Can I hide the form completely if let's say the user is not a registered member?

    3) Finally, is it somehow possible to hide the follow-up form as long as the user has not opted-in on the Mailchimp email?

    Many thanks for any pointers!

    I'm just getting started, but GF looks pretty nifty :)

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday January 18, 2012 | Permalink

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