For the pricing section of the forms, I see that there in an "enable enhanced user interface" capability and that this can be further enhanced by installing and using "Chosen", then doing some various modifications.
On that page there is an example about how to create multiple select with prices.
I am having trouble with the "easy documentation" that is provided here:
I am sure that it is easy for many, just not for this particular newbie! I looked for more thorough documentation through search, and I can see that I will eventually find it, but I thought that there might be someone here who could patiently explain how to use this with gravity forms.
Can anyone advise on how to "install" the plugin (install to what? It is not wordpress.).
Ultimately could I set it up so that there is one question with multiple choice answers (all individual products with different prices) and the person is able to select as many as wanted and there is an accumulated total.
Would that be possible to do and would anyone here care to explain or point to a reference that shows how to do it.