Gary, you are experiencing some sort of server problem. The form is not submitting because the server is returning a 404 error as a result of the post action.
Gravity Forms never has a chance to process the form fields because it never gets to Gravity Forms, your server is acting as if the URL in the Post action does not exist and is returning a 404 error. Screenshot
This is unusual because Gravity Forms submits to the same page that the form is embedded on. If you view source on the page and look for the form action that Gravity Forms uses you'll see it's the same relative path as the page the form is being displayed on.
Your server is acting like the page does not exist despite the fact you are looking at it.
This could be a URL permalink issue related to how the server is doing URL rewriting. Either way it is an issue being caused by your server and is not a bug or problem in Gravity Forms itself.
Can you try from the formbuilder preview and see if it works there?
Posted 12 years ago on Friday July 6, 2012 |