I'm trying to get my gravity form fields to look like the subscribe/connect form fields from the woo plugin in my statua theme. My site is http://discover.puntaplayavistas.com The form is in the footer.
Right now I've got both the woo plugin and the gravity form active and labeled "Stay Informed"
The top "Stay Informed" form is the gravity form widget.
The bottom is the Woo Subscribe/Connect widget.
I'm using the Ready Classes in the form. gf_left_half and gf_right_half
I'm trying to make the Gravity Form organized like this:
Nothing I do in custom.css seems to affect the following:
1. Getting rid of the asterisk for the "required field" (even though the field is still req'd
2. Putting the 3px 3px 3px 3px on the submit button to make its corners rounded.
3. Moving the submit button to the second row, second column.
For example, attempting to address the asterisk, I added this to the custom.css of the theme. I tried it in style.css. I even edited form.css (then put it back)
body .gform_wrapper li#field_1_7 label.gfield_label span.gfield_required {position: relative;left: 8950px;}
Using firebug shows my changes are NOT applied to the form. It's like none of the css files work.
I'm under deadline for a marketing launch. Help please!