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Notification Email Glitch

  1. My notification emails only work some of the time. It does work, just not consistently.

    I have narrowed it down to this: if there is an IMAGE in the post submission (and I have it set to post as featured image) it will not send the notification. It will send if the form has no image.

    This is a major issue for my site and need it resolved immediately. These admin emails trigger the moderator to review the post and serve as a receipt for the user, they are very time sensitive. I need to give the option to add an image so removing that field is not my fix. Any advice or help is greatly appreciated.

    thank you

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday February 1, 2013 | Permalink
  2. Can you please provide a URL to the page on your site where we can see this?

    Is the image being included in the notification? If so, maybe there is an issue with the mail function on the server and the max size of the mail message.

    The mail notification is handed off to wp_mail() by Gravity Forms immediately. When notifications are not reliably sent by your server, I recommend using an external SMTP server to send the notifications. You can read about troubleshooting notifications here:

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday February 4, 2013 | Permalink
  3. The form is here: (you will have to login to test it)

    Even the smallest image breaks the notification so I do not think it is size. The email is handled by Google Apps and has a large limit. All other email works including the SPF test. The notifications will send if there is no image submitted. The SMTP is set up correctly, there are NO other email issues.

    This worked before the upgrade to 3.5. I am not certain that's where it broke, but some update done at that time caused this issue.

    thank you,

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday February 5, 2013 | Permalink
  4. Can you export this form please (Forms > Import/Export > then the top center menu item "Export Forms") and email me the XML file at - I would like to see if I have the same experience on my server with your email addresses, and then on my server with my own email addresses.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday February 5, 2013 | Permalink