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  1. Please help me with notification. I am confused!
    A. Autorespond
    1. "Send to email" - customer' s email or mine email?
    2. From name - my name ?
    3. "From email" - my email or customer's email?
    4. "Reply to" - my email or customer's email
    5. BCC - what to write hehe?

    B. Notification to user
    I have the following message
    " Your form does not have any email field.
    Sending notifications to users require that the form has at least one email field. Edit your form " - What I must do with this?

    C. Problem with links
    1. Link from email to page open but link from page to PDF not. At the same time, link works well when check not from email.
    Link doesn't highlighted and not active in email.

    D. Google Docs
    Because of this issue with opening links I want to explore G Docs. My concern that Gdocs works well if opened in gamil and don't if another email provider. Is this true?
    Thank you! Please write down me in plain English because I am code illeterate. Thank you!

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday July 21, 2011 | Permalink
  2. The Admin Notification is designed to go to YOU. So configure the Send To information so that it goes to you. You would configure the From and Reply To information so it uses any form fields on your form that the user uses to fill in their name or email OR you can hardcode this to any information you want, it's up to you.

    The User Notification requires an Email field exist on your form. If there is no Email field on your form, you can't configure a User Notification because it won't know where to send the notification. The User Notification is emailed to the user, so it needs to know their email address and the only way to get that is via an Email field that you would need to add to your form.

    I'm not sure what you are referring to as far as links go. Can you provide screenshots maybe?

    I'm not sure of any issues with GMail and Gravity Forms. We use GMail ourselves.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday July 21, 2011 | Permalink
  3. LisaBell

    I am also struggling with notifications.

    Read your explanation - somewhat helpful, but not completely - yet.

    "The Admin Notification is designed to go to YOU." - that is when we CHECK v the "Enable email notification to administrators" box at the upper left corner, correct?

    Then we have a "Send To Email*" - that would be redundant with the previous Notification if my checkbox is checked, correct?

    Let's say I am an ADMIN, then there is a Marketing Boss, and a customer Linda Customer and a Production Guy that I want to forward the files that have been submitted.

    So, I can have an email send to me, the ADMIN by having the box checked, - Yes?
    I can have "Send To Email" be send to a Marketing Boss, Yes?

    " You would configure the FROM and REPLY TO information so it uses any form fields on your form that the user uses to fill in their name or email OR you can hardcode this to any information you want, it's up to you."

    So, the USER = submitter = customer (in my case) = the one who fills out the form, right? For example, Linda Customer fills out a form with her name and email address.

    I can then pick Field

    FROM NAME = Linda Customer
    FROM EMAIL = Linda Cutomer's email - IF she was asked to give it to me
    REPLY TO - Linda Customer email address - IF she was asked to give it to me - and where the confirmation about receiving the upload would go?

    BCC - could go to my PRODUCTION GUY?

    Let's say I do not want my Production Guy to get all of Linda Customer's information, only the media and description... in other words, I do not want him to get the FULL copy of the submission form. Is the BCC then a way to do it?

    ~~~ And then we have Notification to the user - I think that part is a bit clearer after your explanation. So, if we collect the email in the first place, then we could send "Dear Linda Customer, we have received your upload and here's the copy of what you uploaded for your records". Correct?

    ~~~~ I think once I go through it a couple of times, I'll get it, but I tried some tests and am still confused, so I hope you can clear it up for me.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday July 21, 2011 | Permalink
  4. By checking the "Enable email notification to administrators" checkbox you are only enabling that feature. You then have to configure the options that appear.

    The Send To Email is where you want that notification to go to. It isn't going to go to administrators automatically, it doesn't know who the administrator is. So the Send To Email is where you want the Admin Notification to be sent to. If you want it sent to you, you'd enter your email address here. If you want it sent to someone else in your company, you'd enter their email address there.

    Here is a screenshot explaining what some of the fields are:

    The User Notification is the autoresponder. It wouldn't go to you, it would go to the person that submitted the form as an autoresponder. It's optional. But it's used for sending an email to the person who submitted the form to let them know you received their inquiry, thank them, etc.

    Documentation for the Notifications with each of the fields explained can be found here:

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday July 21, 2011 | Permalink

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