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Notification Routing with multipe mails ?

  1. ludo2604


    I have a drop down menu in my form with 4 choices.
    Each choice has one notification except one which have multiple:

    Choice 4 is associated with AND

    So I want to send a notification to administrator 1 and administrator 2 in the same time for this choice.

    But it doens't work: i receive the User's mail but nothing for administrators.

    Could you please help me for that ?

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday January 11, 2011 | Permalink
  2. You separate multiple email addresses using a comma. Make sure when you enter multiple email addresses that you separate them by a comma with no spaces. If you have a space after the comma that separates the two email addresses, this can cause problems.

    Also, depending on your web server setup you may not be able to pass multiple email addresses in the Send To. Some web servers don't support this. With no CC or BCC available for routing (it's only the Send To) you would have to do this by creating an email address that forwards to those 2 email addresses and then send the routing email to that email address.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday January 11, 2011 | Permalink
  3. ludo2604

    I just tried to put a coma with no space, and mail, same problem so like you said, it's definitely the web server.

    i'm gonna try the forward solution, thanks a lot for your help!

    Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday January 12, 2011 | Permalink